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What To To When You’re Experiencing Hearing Loss

It's important to pay attention to signs of hearing loss. Hearing loss can be of two types: sensorineural (related to nerve or inner ear damage) or conductive (caused by something blocking sound waves). If you suspect hearing loss, visiting an audiologist can help.

Signs of Hearing Loss:

  1. Loss of Clarity and Volume:

  • Sounds may become less clear and quieter.

  1. TV and Radio Volume:

  • You might not notice hearing loss, but others may when they mention the TV or radio volume is too loud.

  1. Difficulty in Loud Environments:

  • Trouble understanding speech in noisy places may be a sign.

  1. Ringing in the Ear (Tinnitus):

  • If you hear a constant ringing, it might be tinnitus, which needs an ear doctor's attention.

  1. Word Discernment:

  • Difficulty making out words is common, especially if hearing loss has been gradual.

  1. Phone Conversations:

  • Struggling to understand phone conversations can indicate hearing issues.

  1. Inability to Localize Sound:

  • Trouble figuring out where sounds are coming from could be a sign of hearing loss.

When to See an Audiologist:

If you experience these signs, it's time for a hearing test. Hearing loss can affect your life, and an audiologist can help with custom hearing aids.

Causes and Treatment:

Hearing loss is often linked to age, accidents, loud noise exposure, or other factors. Hearing aids, like Behind the Ear (BTE), In the Ear (ITE), or Receiver In the Ear (RITE), can help. Your audiologist will guide you on which suits you best.

How Often to Test Your Hearing:

Your audiologist will tell you how often to check your hearing. Generally, having a test every few years after 60 is wise, and if you have hearing loss, more frequent checks may be needed.

Take Action Now - Get a Free Hearing Evaluation:

If you suspect hearing loss, contact us for a free hearing evaluation. Don't wait, as treating hearing issues can improve your quality of life.

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